Empowering you to be a voice for your student

What Is Advocacy?

Advocacy is having an expert in your corner who understands special education laws, processes, and systems and guides you through each step of the special education process.

Advocacy is having an expert in your corner, empowering you to have a voice for your student on the IEP team by providing recommendations and counsel as you collaborate with the school team.

Advocacy is having unwavering guidance and support as you navigate the special education system for your student.

Why Work With An Advocate

Are the reports confusing and you need help understanding what they actually mean?

As your advocate, I review the reports and data and translate them into understandable language and walk through them with you to ensure you have a thorough understanding of your child and their strengths and needs.

Do you find yourself overwhelmed when thinking about ensuring your students needs are being met at school?

As your advocate, I will listen to your concerns and draft questions to ask your school team to collect the information needed to make informed decisions about what accommodations are supports are being provided or not provided, what is being successful and what is not.. Using this information, I will draft recommendations for follow up with the school team.

Are you unsure about what services and classroom accommodations your student needs to see success in school?

As your advocate, I utilize evaluation reports, school reports, data, and your knowledge of your student to create recommendations for services, accommodations, modifications, and goals for your student.

Is your student struggling and you need help talking to the school about what can be done?

As your advocate, I will assist you in drafting requests, responses, and complaints directed towards schools on behalf of you and your student based on your concerns.

  • Assist you in preparation for IEP and 504 meetings, providing guidance on the proposed services, goals and accommodations for your student. Clearly explain each step of the special education process.

  • Assist you in understanding and interpreting reports and evaluations, analyzing and explaining their implications in user friendly terminology.

  • Through discussions about your student and review of their evaluations and school records, demine their strengths and needs, and what services, accommodations, and modifications they may need to be successful in the learning environment.

  • Attend IEP and 504 meetings with you to provide advice and assistance during the proceedings.

  • Formulate requests, responses, and complaints directed towards schools on behalf of you and your student.

Advocacy Services

What Parents Are Saying…

“Ambyr gave us useful tools to navigate our son’s IEP meeting with knowledge and confidence. She helped us advocate for our son at his annual meeting and gave us specific questions to ask in order to obtain the right support for him in his education. Ambyr’s scrutiny, experience and thoroughness was a godsend!"

— Parent

With her extensive experience as a special education teacher, Ambyr has been in the trenches implementing IEPs and collecting data. She knows firsthand what students need to to grow, not just survive, in the classroom. We tried several advocates and found some to be too aggressive and others too passive, and all made the process very complicated. Ambyr thoroughly reviewed my daughter's proposed IEP and gave very clear recommendations for adding, deleting, or improving goals--and provided a rationale for each recommendation so that we could have a productive conversation with teachers and administrators during the IEP meeting. The result was the cleanest, most actionable IEP my daughter had had to date, and that changed the course of my daughter's education.

~ Parent

How Do I Get Started?

Get in touch with me to explore how I can assist you! I offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and goals. Schedule your free consultation now, and let's embark on a conversation about how I can empower you to be a voice for your student. I look forward to hearing from you soon!