Education Acronyms

There are so many acronyms that are used in education, it can be confusing and overwhelming. I will try to get them all here, but if I miss any please let me know!

ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

AT/ATD/ATS- Assistive Technology / Devices/ Services

BIP- Behavior Intervention Plan

DD-Developmental Delay

DOE-Department of Education

ESY-Extended School Year

FAPE- Free and Appropriate Public Education

FBA- Functional Behavioral Assessment

FERPA-Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

ID-Intellectual Disability

IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEE-Independent Education Evaluation

IEP- Individualized Education Plan

LD-Learning Disability

LEA-Local Education Agency

LEP-Limited English Proficient

LRE- Least Restrictive Environment

MTSS-Multi Tiered Support System

OHI- Other Healthy Impairment

OT- Occupational Therapy

PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

PLOP- Present Levels of Performance

PT-Physical Therapy

RTI-Response to Intervention

S/L- Speech and Language Therapy

SEL-Social Emotional Learning

SLD-Specific Learning Disability

SOL-Standard of Learning

VDOE-Virginia Department of Education

VKRP-Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program

When you are talking to school staff, it is 100% okay to ask them to not use acronyms, but to instead use the actual verbiage so that you can better understand.


Parts of the IEP