A Parent’s Role on the School Team

Bridging the Gap Between Home and School: A Guide for Parents

As an education advocate, my mission is to empower families by simplifying educational processes and jargon, and coaching them on how to advocate for their children effectively. Over the past twenty years, I’ve observed a growing divide between schools and homes. Parents often struggle to grasp what’s happening in the classroom, while schools sometimes miss the mark on understanding a parent’s perspective. Both sides possess unique expertise and must collaborate to truly meet a student's needs.

I aim to bridge this gap, fostering a partnership between families and schools that ensures students receive the best support possible.

The Vital Role of Parents in the School Team

Parents and guardians are crucial members of the school team. You know your child best—how they behave, think, and feel at home. This insight is invaluable because children often exhibit different behaviors and responses in school compared to home. For a comprehensive understanding of a child's academic, social, and emotional well-being, open dialogue between families and schools is essential.

Parents: Experts on Their Child Outside School

As a parent or guardian, your knowledge of your child extends beyond what teachers see. You are privy to their history, thought processes, and motivations. You witness their developmental milestones, understand their friendships and relationships, and observe their successes and struggles both at home and in school.

When you engage with the school, you bring this deep, personal insight to the table. Your perspective, combined with the school's professional viewpoint, creates a fuller picture of your child's needs and experiences.

Learning from Each Other

Another key aspect of your role is being open to learning about your child’s school experience. Teachers are the experts in academics and see how your child interacts and responds to different situations in the school environment. They offer a perspective that you might not see at home.

By sharing insights and being receptive to feedback, parents and educators can work together effectively. This collaboration ensures that all aspects of a child's development are supported, creating a more cohesive and supportive educational experience.

Together, by fostering mutual understanding and communication, we can close the gap between home and school, ensuring every student has the opportunity to thrive.


Executive Functioning Skills